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Compression Stockings


Compression garments are important for lifelong leg health! Compression stockings are available at the Moye’s Pharmacy in McDonough and Mobility Warehouse in Stockbridge.

Uses for Compression Socks

- Tired, aching legs

- Edema: When any combination of blood or tissue fluid, pool in the legs and feet due to poor circulation.

- Chronic peripheral venous insufficiency: When the veins cannot pump deoxygenated blood to the heart.

- Varicose Veins

- Spider Veins

- Deep vein thrombosis: When blood flow decreases (especially in the lower extremities), causing blood to pool in the legs and leading to blood clot (thrombus) formation.

- Lymphedema: When a body part swells due to an abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid.

- Phlebitis: Inflammation and clotting in a vein, most often a leg vein, due to infection, inflammation, or trauma.

- Economy class syndrome (ECS): Occurs on long flight, due to traveler’s inactivity, gravity, and cramped seating, which slows down the blood flow through veins.

- Lipodermatosclerosis: Inflammation of subcutaneous fat, form of panniculitis.

- Pregnancy

How Does Compression Therapy Help?

Compression therapy counters the high pressure that can develop in the legs and reduces the risk of developing vein disorders.  Compression also encourages blood flow by helping valves function more efficiently.  Specially designed gradient compression legwear reduces swelling and helps prevent pooling of fluid in the legs by delivering the highest level of compression at the ankle, while gently decreasing pressure up the leg.  Improved blood flow helps the wearer experience relief from tired, aching legs.

How to measure:

Sizing for medical compression stockings is based on the circumferences of the leg. It is best to measure early in the day before swelling occurs. Visit our store for assistance with proper product selection, measuring, and fitting. Knee high stockings require an ankle and calf circumference. Thigh high stockings require ankle, calf and thigh circumferences. Waist, maternity and chaps styles require ankle, thigh and hip circumferences.


Where can I be measured for my compression stockings?


Our sister store, Mobility Warehouse, can give you a fitting for your compression socks free of charge! Just visit our showroom for a walk-in, or to save time, make an appointment:

106E Rock Quarry Road
Stockbridge, GA 30281

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